You may have noticed a redesign of the website.  We have added community features to try to make your experience more connected with the other users.  Before you could only comment on individual posts.  But now, if you sign up for a This Week in Beer Community account, you can participate in our forums, or join and create groups of other people who like the same styles you like. We have a map that you can access in the tabs across the top to show places where you can find great craft beers.  Don’t see your favorite spot on the map?  Join the Beer Finders group and suggest a new addition.  Have you tried a great beer that you want to share? Join the Beer Reviewers group and let us know what you’ve found.  DO you have a beer you want us to review? or a brewery you think we should feature? let us know in the main This Week in Beer Group. So Join the This Week in Beer Community account to participate in the forums, discuss reviews share your beers and let everyone know how much you love beer.

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