Short’s Brewing Company implements 2018 minimum wage now.

Short’s Brewing companyShort's Brewing Company Logo in Bellaire Michigan has announced that they will be skipping the gradual increase in the minimum wage that was passed signed into law in Michigan, and instead raise their wages to match the 2018 goals immediately.  Short’s Brewing Company is Michigan’s leader in creative and inspired beer choices, and they appear to also want to be a leader in treating their staff fairly and with respect. Matt Drake, COO and HR Director at Short’s stated, “Along with making high quality, creatively fearless beer, our goal is to take care of our staff.”

The new minimum wage law was signed on May 24th 2014, and requires the minimum wage to be increased incrementally.  On January 2018 the minimum wage for non-tipped employees will be set at $9.25 per hour and $3.51 per hour for tipped employees. By jumping directly to the 2018 wages, Short’s wants to show that they treat their people right and are an attractive choice for potential employees. “As we have grown over the past few years, we’ve made it our goal to reward the hard-working staff who have contributed significantly towards our mission,”  stated Drake. “By starting new employees with a competitive minimum wage, we feel that we can continue to attract and retain excellent employees.”

Many of Short’s employees might not notice a change though as most of their employees are already earning more than the 2018 minimum wage.  “[Tipped employees] have been started at $3.50 for the past couple years, with many receiving merit increases above that rate.” said Drake. “Short’s goal is to make pubtending a viable career choice, because it also benefits us in the long run.”

VIA Short’s Brewing Company

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