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Michigan Brewers Guild Releases “Great Beer State” Documentary in Honor of 25th Anniversary

View the Great Beer State Documentary Trailer
(LANSING, Mich) – In honor of its 25 Anniversary, the Michigan Brewers Guild has announced the release of its Great Beer State Documentary which draws from more than 60 interviews gathered over four years. Building on the work from the 2019 book A Rising Tide – The Story of the Michigan Brewers Guild and Michigan’s Great Beer State Podcast which was launched in 2020, the film was produced by The Beervangelist, Fred Bueltmann, author of A Rising Tide and co-host of the Guild’s podcast.
“Besides celebrating 25 years, this film shows stark differences between then and now, when it comes to locally brewed beer and its contribution to community culture. From before the Michigan Brewers Guild in the mid-eighties, to the formation of the Guild in 1997 and up until the present day, there has been a cultural transformation,” stated Bueltmann. “The storyline is loosely held, shared through stories and observations from dozens of brewery folks who have been a part of the brewing scene; past, present, and future.”
The documentary premiered at the Michigan Summer Beer Festival in Ypsilanti last weekend with a private viewing for brewery members on Friday evening and a VIP screening for Enthusiast Members on Saturday morning. A series of public viewings is being organized across the state at member breweries, Allied Member locations and community friends of Michigan beer. The schedule will be posted on and shared via the Guild’s Facebook page. This is an essential element in the 25th Anniversary campaign which will culminate in a “Wrap Party” on October 22 following the Detroit Fall Beer Festival at Eastern Market (the actual 25th Anniversary of the Guild).
“The film is a fun and engaging look inside the Michigan beer community,” says Scott Graham, the Guild’s executive director. “After 25 years local beer is truly part of our culture and fabric; it is part of what makes Michigan great.”
It was October 22, 1997 when a surprising collection of 49 people representing 30 operating breweries gathered at a pub in Saginaw to discuss how they could collectively promote Michigan-made beer. A consensus arose out of that meeting that a formal association of Michigan brewers should be organized and on December 3, 1997, the Michigan Brewers Guild was officially formed.
The Michigan Brewers Guild is the network of innovative and passionate brewers that serves as the recognized advocate for the Michigan craft beer industry. The mission of the Guild is to promote and protect the Michigan craft beer industry with an overarching goal to help craft beer acquire 20% of the market by 2025.
Michigan’s thriving brewing industry conservatively contributes more than $144 million in wages with a total economic contribution of more than $600 million. In terms of overall number breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs, Michigan ranks #6 in the nation – thus supporting its claim as “The Great Beer State.”
Formed in 1997, the Michigan Brewers Guild held its first festival in July 1998. Today, it hosts five festivals dedicated exclusively to Michigan beer produced by its nearly 300 member breweries (a number that increases on a monthly basis). Within the state, and beyond, Michigan is referred to as “The Great Beer State” ranking #6 nationally for the number of breweries.
Raise a Glass to Celebrate July as Michigan Craft Beer Month
(LANSING, Mich) – Legislators in Lansing have recently declared July as “Michigan Craft Beer Month” with the introduction of House Resolution No. 135 and Senate Resolution No. 61, noting the brewing industry’s long-standing history, impact on both the tourism and agricultural interests and the ongoing contributions to the overall economy of the state.
Formed in 1997, the Michigan Brewers Guild operates as the non-profit trade organization representing craft brewing interests around the state. With more than 290 member breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs spread out from coast to coast to coast – throughout both Peninsulas, in rural and urban areas – it’s no wonder Michigan is known as “The Great Beer State.” Currently Michigan ranks #4 nationally for the overall number of breweries, at 350+, according to the Brewers Association.
The highlight of “Michigan Craft Beer Month” is the 22nd Annual Michigan Summer Beer Festival, July 26-27 at Riverside Park in Ypsilanti’s historic Depot Town – along the banks of the Huron River. Featuring nearly 150 breweries and more than 1,000 unique beers, this is the largest of the Guild’s four annual festivals (the others being the UP Fall Beer Festival, September 7 in Marquette; Detroit Fall Beer Festival, October 25-26 at Eastern Market in downtown Detroit; and Michigan Winter Beer Festival, February 21-22 at Fifth Third Ballpark in Comstock Park, just north of downtown Grand Rapids). More than 35,000 people collectively attend the Guild’s annual festivals.
SR61 was introduced by Senator MacGregor and HR135 was introduced by Representatives Farrington, Chirkun, Clemente, Crawford, Garza, Gay-Dagnogo, Haadsma, Jones, Kuppa, Lasinski, Love, Manoogian, Sabo, Shannon, Slagh, Sneller and Warren. The House Resolution reads:
Whereas, Michigan craft brewers are a vibrant affirmation and expression of Michigan’s entrepreneurial traditions, operating as community-based small businesses and providing employment for more than 17,000 workers; and
Whereas, Our state has craft brewers in every region of the state and more than 300 craft brewers statewide; and
Whereas, Michigan ranks fifth in the nation for overall number of breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs; and
Whereas, The Michigan Brewers Guild celebrates Michigan Craft Beer Month each year by hosting a Summer Festival in July; and
Whereas, Craft brewers in Michigan support state agriculture by purchasing hops, malted barley, wheat, beet sugar, cherries, apples, and numerous other fruits, herbs, spices, and vegetables grown here; and
Whereas, Michigan craft brewers promote Michigan’s spirit of independence through a renaissance in handcrafted beers like those first brought to our state by European settlers and produced here by our forefathers, including Bernhard Stroh, for the enjoyment of the citizenry; and
Whereas, Striving to educate legal drinking-age residents, Michigan craft brewers convey awareness about the differences in beer flavor, aroma, color, alcohol content, body, and other complex variables, beer history, and gastronomic qualities of beer; and
Whereas, Michigan craft brewers champion the message of responsible enjoyment to their customers and work within their communities to prevent alcohol abuse and underage drinking; and
Whereas, Craft brewers in Michigan produce more than 100 distinct styles of flavorful beers, the quality and diversity of which have made Michigan the envy of many states, contributing to balanced trade with increased Michigan exports and promoting our state’s tourism; and
Whereas, Michigan craft brewers have shown a successful business model by contributing more than $700 million in labor income with a total economic contribution of more than $2.4 billion, thriving and expanding by furthering their economic importance to the state; and
Whereas, Michigan craft brewers are vested in the future, health, and welfare of their communities as employers providing a diverse array of quality local jobs, as contributors to the local tax base, and as committed sponsors of a broad range of vital community institutions and philanthropic causes, including not-for-profit housing development associations, chambers of commerce, humane societies, athletic teams, and medical research; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House, That the members of this legislative body commemorate July 2019 as Craft Beer Month and recognize the contributions that Michigan craft brewers have made to our state’s communities, economy, and history; and be it further
Resolved, That we commend Michigan craft brewers for providing jobs, improving the balance of trade, supporting Michigan agriculture, and educating residents about the history and culture of beer, while promoting the responsible consumption of beer as a beverage of moderation.
The Michigan Brewers Guild is the network of innovative and passionate brewers that serves as the recognized advocate for the Michigan craft beer industry. The mission of the Michigan Brewers Guild is to promote and protect the Michigan craft beer industry with an overarching goal to help craft beer acquire 20% of the market by 2025.
Michigan Brewers Guild Announces 2019 Board of Directors

The Michigan Brewers Guild recently elected its 2019 Board of Directors at its annual meeting, January 10, at the Kalamazoo Radisson Plaza Hotel. Each board position is a two-year term, elected in alternating years (4, 3).
This year, three people were elected to the Guild board:
- Isaac Hartman, “Ambassador of Great Beer” from New Holland Brewing Company, was elected to his sixth term.
- Rick Schmitt, Co-Owner of Stormcloud Brewing in Frankfort, was elected to his first term after being appointed in April 2018 to fill a mid-term vacancy on the board.
- Aubrey Martinson, Co-Owner of Chelsea Alehouse in Chelsea, was elected to her first term.
Additional board members include:
- Scott Newman-Bale, Vice President of Short’s Brewing Company in Bellaire, continues his fifth term and remains the Guild’s President.
- Ryan Cottongim, Owner of Witch’s Hat Brewing Company in South Lyon, continues his second term and remains the Guild’s Vice President.
- David Ringler, Owner of Cedar Springs Brewing Company in Cedar Springs, continues his first term and remains the Guild’s treasurer.
- Chas Thompson, Beer Engineer at Schmohz Brewing Company in Grand Rapids, continues his first elected term after being appointed in 2017 to fill a mid-term vacancy on the board. He will remain the Guild’s secretary.
The conference was a record-breaker in many ways for the organization, with more than 750 attendees including nearly 130 vendors in the Allied Member Trade Show. The Guild also reported 256-member breweries at the close of 2018, up from 245 at the end of 2017.
The Michigan Brewers Guild is the network of innovative and passionate brewers that serves as the recognized advocate for the Michigan craft beer industry. The mission of the Guild is to promote and protect the Michigan craft beer industry with an overarching goal to help craft beer acquire 20% of the market by 2025.
Michigan’s thriving brewing industry contributes more than 14,000 full-time jobs, $662 million in labor income / wages with a total economic impact of over $2 billion. In terms of overall number of breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs, Michigan ranks #4 in the nation – thus supporting its claim as “The Great Beer State.”
CONGRATULATIONS! GABF wins for Michigan Breweries

Michigan Breweries brought home 9 medals at the Great American Beer Festival (GABF) Competition last weekend. The competition in Denver, Colorado collected over 2,400 breweries from all over the country. 293 judges looked at over 8,500 beers and awarded a total of 312 medals to beers that demonstrated excellence in their style.
Big congratulations to The Mitten Brewing Co from Grand Rapids for their gold medal in American Style Amber/Red Ale with their West Coast Swing Amber. Founders Brewing Company brought home two silver medals for their Breakfast Stout (Coffee Stout or Porter) and Porter (Robust Porter). Also winning silver medals were Wolverine State Brewing Company from Ann Arbor with NZ Pilz (American Style Pilsener), Bastone Brewery from Royal Oak with Kung Fu Smurf (Belgian Style Dubbel or Quadruple), Bell’s Roundhouse (Double Hoppy Red Ale), and Thornapple Brewing Company’s My Brown Eyed Girl (English Style Brown Ale). Bronze medals were also awarded to Brew Detroit’s Cerveza Delray (International Style Pilsner) and Wolverine State Brewing Company’s Raucher (Smoke Beer).
More information about the competition and the winners below:
July is Designated as Michigan Craft Beer Month
(LANSING, Mich) – The Michigan Brewers Guild has once again designated July as Michigan Craft Beer Month. With more than 250 member breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs spread out from coast to coast to coast – through both Peninsulas, in rural and urban areas – it’s no wonder Michigan is known as “The Great Beer State.” Currently Michigan ranks #4 nationally for the overall number of breweries, according to the Brewers Association.
Legislators in Lansing annually recognize July as “Michigan Craft Beer Month,” noting its long-standing history, impact on both the tourism and agricultural industries, and the ongoing contributions to the economy of the state:
- Michigan craft brewers are a vibrant affirmation and expression of Michigan’s entrepreneurial traditions, operating as community-based small businesses and providing employment for more than 5,000 workers;
- Craft brewers in Michigan support state agriculture by purchasing hops, malted barley, wheat, beet sugar, cherries, apples, and numerous other fruits, herbs, and vegetables grown in Michigan;
- Michigan craft brewers promote Michigan’s spirit of independence through a renaissance in handcrafted beers like those first brought to Michigan by European settlers and produced here by our forefathers, including Bernhard Stroh, for the enjoyment of the citizenry;
- Striving to educate legal drinking-age residents, Michigan craft brewers convey awareness about the differences in beer flavor, aroma, color, alcohol content, body, and other complex variables, beer history, and gastronomic qualities of beer; Michigan craft brewers have been a successful business model by contributing well over $144 million in wages with a total economic contribution of more than $600 million, thriving and expanding in furthering their economic importance to the state;
- Craft brewers in Michigan produce more than 100 distinct styles of flavorful beers, the quality and diversity of which have made Michigan the envy of many states, contributing to balanced trade with increased Michigan exports and promoting Michigan tourism;
- Michigan craft brewers are vested in the future, health, and welfare of their communities as employers providing a diverse array of quality local jobs, as contributors to the local tax base, and as committed sponsors of a broad range of vital community institutions and philanthropic causes, including not-for-profit housing development associations, chambers of commerce, humane societies, athletic teams, and medical research.
- Michigan craft brewers champion the message of responsible enjoyment to their customers and work within their communities to prevent alcohol abuse and underage drinking;
The Guild was formed in 1997 and held its first festival in July 1998. Today, the Guild hosts four eco-conscious festivals dedicated exclusively to Michigan craft beer produced by its members breweries, which attracts more than 35,000 people collectively each year. Upcoming festivals include:
- Friday, July 27 and Saturday, July 28 – 21st Annual Michigan Summer Beer Festival, Ypsilanti
- Saturday, September 8 – 10th Annual UP Fall Beer Festival, Marquette
- Friday, October 26 and Saturday, October 27 – 10th Annual Detroit Fall Beer Festival, Eastern Market
The Michigan Brewers Guild is the network of innovative and passionate brewers that serves as the recognized advocate for the Michigan craft beer industry. The mission of the Michigan Brewers Guild is to promote and protect the Michigan craft beer industry with an overarching goal to help craft beer acquire 20% of the market by 2025.
The 2017 Detroit Fall Beer Festival Promises to be Bigger and Better

You may remember when I posted back about the 9th Annual Detroit Fall Beer Festival tickets going on sale. Well I’ve got some more news about the event, and it looks to be a very exciting festival.
This year, the festival has had nearly 120 Michigan breweries signed on to appear. you can find the complete list so far here, and I think that with this lineup, you are guaranteed to find something that you will like. I’m always excited to see what kind of new and exclusive brews I can find from the likes Shorts, Vivant, and Jolly Pumpkin. And I really want to see what Old Nation has brewing since I have totally fallen in love with M-34. There are plenty of breweries on this list that I have never had a single beer from, and I bet many of you are in the same boat. So it is probably a great idea to get adventurous and find something new.
There is more information in the Press Release that I have included below.
Nearly 120 Michigan Craft Breweries to Participate in 9th Annual Detroit Fall Beer Festival
The Michigan Brewers Guild’s 9th Annual Detroit Fall Beer Festival (Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28 at Eastern Market in Detroit) promises to be bigger and better than ever before—with nearly 120 Michigan craft breweries signed up to participate. Now in its 20thyear, the Michigan Brewers Guild prides itself as hosting the oldest, largest and original craft beer festivals by the brewers, about the brewers and for the brewers.
The Motor City has a long-standing brewing history and in recent years it has been revitalized thanks to a growing interest in the craft beer movement. Established in 1891, the current Eastern Market is one of the nation’s oldest farm markets and the area is rife with brewing history. In its heyday, there were more than 40 breweries in the Detroit area and malt silos still stand as a testament to the rich brewing history – making it the perfect backdrop for the Detroit Fall Beer Festival.
Tickets for Friday are $40 in advance (and $45 at the gate, if any remain available); Saturday tickets are $45 in advance. Admission includes 15 tasting tokens, each good for a three-ounce sample. Additional tokens are 50-cents each. Designated Drivers are encouraged and DD tickets are for $5 each. Designated Drivers must be 21 with a valid photo ID and are not permitted to drink any beer during the event.
The festival is held, rain or shine. Festival attendees must be 21 years of age or older and have valid photo ID to enter. Active Enthusiast Members ($55 annual fee) are admitted 1 hour prior to the general admission. The list of breweries, beers and entertainment will be posted in early October on The Mashblog.
The Michigan Brewers Guild is the network of innovative and passionate brewers that serves as the recognized advocate for the Michigan craft beer industry. The mission of the Michigan Brewers Guild is to promote and protect the Michigan craft beer industry with an overarching goal to help craft beer acquire 20% of the market by 2025.
Michigan’s thriving brewing industry conservatively contributes more than $144 million in wages with a total economic contribution of more than $600 million. In terms of overall number breweries, microbreweries and brewpubs, Michigan ranks #6 in the nation – thus supporting its claim as “The Great Beer State.”
Newfangled Pale Ale Release from North Peak and Busch’s Fresh Food Market

Press Release Follows
North Peak Collaborates with Busch’s Fresh Food Market for Special Beer Release: Newfangled Pale Ale
(Dexter City, MI) — If you live in the Southeast Michigan, you know that Busch’s Fresh Food Markets and North Peak Brewing Company are both businesses focused on serving their local community – so why not do a collaboration? Great brewery with a solid line-up of craft beers meets great Food Market with a rather impressive selection of craft beer. This can only end well!
Busch’s Fresh Food Markets and North Peak Brewing Company have partnered together to release their first ever craft beer collaboration. Newfangled Pale Ale is a beer that celebrates the two brands commitment to the craft industry and local business. With a shared emphasis on freshness, consistency and quality of their products, these two brands have created a top-notch beer specifically crafted for our local region. With its Michigan-grown ingredients, Newfangled delivers a fresh, exceptional taste to our community from our community.
“At Busch’s Fresh Food Market, we strive to promote and sell locally produced food and beverages,” says Marty Phelan, Category Manager for Busch’s. “Our ‘Brewed for Busch’s’ program allows us to partner with high-quality local breweries, like North Peak, to create unique beers for our guests to enjoy.”
Beginning in March, Busch’s Fresh Food Markets will exclusively offer this 5.5% ABV Newfangled Pale Ale, brimming with Citra, Cascade and Michigan Cascade/Chinook hops at its 16 stores throughout Michigan in Ann Arbor, Clinton, Carleton, Dexter, Farmington Hills, Livonia, Novi, Pinckney, Plymouth-Northville, Rochester Hills, Saline, South Lyon, Tecumseh, West Bloomfield and now in Canton.
North Peak is part of Northern United Brewing Co. NUBC’s philosophy focuses on a dedication to conservation, inspiration and locally-sustainable practices. Find NUBC products at stores, restaurants and bars all throughout Michigan, including: North Peak Brewing Company, Mission Table and Jolly Pumpkin, in Traverse City; Jolly Pumpkin and Grizzly Peak, in Ann Arbor and Jolly Pumpkin in Detroit. North Peak can also be found outside of Michigan, in select markets.
North Peak Releases Stormy Oat IPA

(Dexter City, MI)— New Year, New Beer. Headed your way this month is a new style of IPA for North Peak, an East Coast IPA called Stormy.
The brewery staff boasts this beer quickly became a favorite among them. “It’s a perfect beer for the wintery stormy weather we get here in Michigan,” says Northern United Brewing Company Production Manager Sean Brennen. “The malty, oat backbone balances the assertiveness of the six hop varietals leaving you with a fresh, hazy beer we all can’t get enough of.”
Coming in at 6.7% ABV and 35 IBU, Stormy Oat IPA is full of haziness along with dry/late hop additions to create a juicy mouth feel with citrus, piney notes unlike any other IPA. Stormy is now available in draft and North Peak’s signature stubby bottle 6-packs.
All North Peak beers are represented by a character and accompanying folklore tale (most famously Diabolical and the jackalope). Stormy is depicted by an underwater panther deep in the Great Lakes.
In the deepest depths of Lake Superior lives the most powerful being in the underwater world. The murky, dark, churning waters of its surroundings inspired our unfiltered IPA, Stormy. A mysterious creature with a body of a wild feline, horns of a deer, a scaled back and a tail so long it wraps around its body ending with a fish tail. With a warning hiss like the sound of rushing water, the underwater panther lives as protector of the vast amounts of copper in the Great Lakes. It’s been said that anyone who tries to steal copper from the lakes has grave misfortune befall them. Strangely, the metal has been found on numerous Great Lakes shipwrecks. Perhaps a mere coincidence, but it might behoove you to carry nothing of copper aboard your ship when crossing the Great Lakes.
North Peak is part of Northern United Brewing Co. NUBC’s philosophy focuses on a dedication to conservation, inspiration and locally sustainable practices.
Find NUBC products at stores, restaurants and bars all throughout Michigan, including: North Peak Brewing Company, Mission Table and Jolly Pumpkin, in Traverse City; Jolly Pumpkin and Grizzly Peak, in Ann Arbor and Jolly Pumpkin in Detroit. North Peak can also be found outside of Michigan, in select markets.