Everyone can celebrate Michigan Craft Beer Month

New Holland Brew
New Holland Brew (Photo credit: lincolnblues)
As we roll into July, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that this is the month that we celebrate, not only our countries independence, but our rich culture of Michigan craft beer.  Michigan stands at #5 if the country in number of Breweries (including brewpubs).  We are “The Great Beer State,” and our legislature officially declared July to be Michigan Craft Beer Month. “How do I celebrate?” you may ask.  It is easy, but first I have to point out that there is kind of an obvious answer to that question.  So besides the obvious (drink Michigan Beer), you can check out your local beer bar.  Any proud Michigan bar will be featuring a wide selection of Michigan-made brews.  If you are in the Lansing area, you have plenty of choices.  Crunchy’s, Reno’s, and Hopcat all feature great selections of Michigan Beers.  Soup Spon Cafe is also one of my favorites, and there are so many more.  If you would prefer something closer to the source, Eagle Monk and Bad Brewing Company are a couple of local area brewpubs.  There are so many breweries here in Michigan that you can hardly throw a Stone in this state without hitting a source for Michigan Beer. For more information on Michigan Craft Beer Month, check out the release below

Raise a Glass to July — Michigan Craft Beer Month


(LANSING, Mich) – The craft beer culture is brewing in Michigan like never before – and in celebration of this long-standing beverage industry, the Michigan Brewers Guild is once again proud to announce July as Michigan Craft Beer Month, as recognized by the state legislature (#MiBeerMonth).


Since it was officially organized in 1997, the Michigan Brewers Guild (MBG) has seen its brewery membership grow from 35 to 124 (as of June 26, 2014). Additionally, eleven “brewery in planning” members are also part of the current membership.


According to Scott Graham, MBG Executive Director, Michigan ranks #5 in the nation in the number of overall breweries, and the industry provides a direct impact of more than 5100 jobs, more than $144 million in wages and more than $277 million in total output. A copy of the Guild’s latest economic impact study can be found here.


“It’s an exciting time to be part of the craft brewing industry in Michigan,” says Scott Graham, MBG Executive Director. “I would like to invite everyone in Michigan to join us in celebration of Michigan Craft Beer Month by hoisting a pint of fresh, local hand-crafted beer.”

The Michigan Brewers Guild encourages residents and visitors of the Great Beer State to celebrate Michigan Craft Beer Month by visiting area brewpubs and microbreweries, asking for Michigan craft beer at retail outlets and restaurants and attending regional celebrations like the 17th Annual Michigan Summer Beer Festival (July 25-26) at Riverside Park in Ypsilanti’s historic Depot Town – featuring more than 90 breweries and more than 700 award-winning, special release and original craft beers. Limited Friday tickets for this festival remain available at MiBeer.com (Saturday tickets are already sold out).


The Michigan Brewers Guildexists to unify the community of brewers, to increase the sale of Michigan Craft Beer, to contribute culturally and economically throughout the state, and to monitor and assure a healthy brewing industry. By working collaboratively with proponents of craft beer, we strive to achieve a 10% share of all beer sold in Michigan by producing world-class events, increasing public awareness, educating consumers, and encouraging responsible consumption. Michigan ranks #5 in the nation – thus supporting its claim as “The Great Beer State”.

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