Nostalgia is a funny thing. Something will worm its way into your mind, and then you will start to see it everywhere. The connection is often extrememly tednuous as well. Sure, sometimes itis obvious. Sometimes you hear a Cyndi Lauper on the radio that reminds you of that scene in Goonies when you can see the video playing on the tv as they walk past. Then you are thinking the rest of the day about the Fratellis chasing Rudy and his buddies thru caves to find One Eyed Willie’s treasure (heh). (did you know that Sloth was in Ice Pirates?) But other times, that song you heard on the radio, reminded you of a time when you were talking to someone that was telling you about a friend who really liked that song, but all you could think about was how uncomfortable the chairs that you were sitting in were and now your ass is starting to hurt. And other times, there is no connection at all. Which brings me to Short’s Brewing Company’s Beard of Zeus. This beer should make me think of Anchorman, or The Magic Christian (check it out and you will forever after pronounce Zeus, zay-us). Nope, this beer tastes like Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas. Go Figure. Check out my cryptic review after the break.
Cryptic Review: Short’s Beard of Zeus