Dogfish Head Randall JrFrom the mad geniuses at Dogfish Head, comes a flavor infuser made especially for you to add your own twisted touch to your favorite beer. Looks to work just like the way you make tea (people still make tea right?). You just need to throw in your preferred ingredients (whatever your crazy heart desires, coffee beans, nuts, fruit, gummi worms, I’m not judging), seal it up and throw it in the fridge for 10 minutes.  Then you can unseal and drink it right from the Randall itself or pour through the integrated filter grid into your friends cups to share.  The product page suggests adding flavors to your microbrews to add even more layers of complexity to your brew.  Anyone looking to dabble in homebrewing could use this thing to test out their mad combinations before diving into a full brew.  Better realizing that your walnut-broccoli beer won’t taste quite as good as you imagined before you actually go through an entire batch. Another good use for this could be to convince that friend of yours that simply will not give up his Miller Lite to try to expand his horizons by infusing his own beer with a little added flavor (give it some more hops, *gasp* “quadruple hops brewed”?!?). They’ve produced a “quality” infomercial to explain to you exactly why you need to own a Randall Jr which I’ve included after the break. Continue reading

Maillot JaunetWhat a beautiful day to enjoy a beer outside.  These are definitely the best days, and the best way to spend them.  But enough about the weather, let’s talk beer.  I don’t thinhk i have made any secret about my love for The Livery out of Benton Harbor, MI.  I don’t think I have ever had anything from them that hasn’t been great.  And this one, their Maillot Jaunet is no exception.  Named for the yellow jersey worn by the overal leader of the Tour De France, this beer is a fine champion in its own right.  Crisp is the right term to describe this beer, as it is a finely refreshing ale that is great for enjoying on a patio on a nice early summer day.  Check out my cryptic review after the break.

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Gather round my friends and let me tell you a story of adventure, intregue, romance, action, all the things that go into a great beer… I mean story.  No, I don’t, of course I mean beer.  that is what we are all here for isn’t it?  This week I have another selection from Dogfish Head Brewery, the Raison D’Etre.  As we all know, Raison D’Etre is French phrase that means the reason for existence.  Actually I had no idea what it meant, I even had to look up how to pronounce it (don’t look at me like that, I don’t speak french, I took German in High School).  But whatever, head on past the break to take a look at my cryptic review of this fine beer, and see if it gave me any insight into my own existence.


P.S. I didn’t look up the meaning until after I did my review, funny huh? I guess that review is actually pretty accurate.
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WTF!? What is going on here?  It looks like I have a beer from Lagunitas Brewing Company specifically, their Wilco Tango Foxtrot (WTF).  I’ve got to say, I’m loving this early spring and all of the great beers that come with it.  As partial as I am to Michigan Breweries, I have to say I am always pleased to see what this brewery out of Petaluma, Ca. comes up with.  Check out my review in all its cryptic glory after the break. Continue reading

Spring is here and the weather is beautiful, it is the perfect time to start up the grill and open a nice beer.  So I figure the best way to celebrate is with one of the best beers I can find.  Luckily I had a fine bottle of Dogfish Head’s 120 Minute IPA sitting in my fridge just waiting to be enjoyed on the deck.  And let me tell you, it was enjoyed.  There is something wonderful about enjoying a drink outside in the great weather of springtime. So if you’d like to see my thoughts on the brew, continue on and check out my Cryptic Review after the break. Continue reading

Happy St Patrick’s Day, and welcome back to another edition of This Week in Beer.  This week we have another video from the Michigan Brewers Guild Winter Beerfest.  I’m not going to lie to you, if is hard to think about how cold it was that day while the weather here is taking a turn for the f*cking AWESOME!  It certainly is going to be a great weekend, involving sunny skies warm weather patio seating and lots of green beer.  Now I would be remiss if i didn’t implore you to please try not to get too out of hand this weekend.  But I’m getting ahead of myself.  I should be telling you more about this great new beer I tried last month.  This sweet sweet concoction comes from Grand Rapid’s own, Brewery Vivant.  So here for you after the break are my thoughts on their Hubris Quadruple Anniversary Ale. Continue reading

Getting back into the swing of things and continuing with our videos from the 2012 Michigan Brewers Guild Winter Beer Festival.  This week I’ve got a beer from Detroit Beer Company, the Dimondale Dunkelweizenbock.  Quite a mouthful of a title, but it comes attatched to a very fine brew.  Check out my cryptic review after the break.
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What is this madness? Life is stirring at  We couldn’t stay down forever, and the perfect time to re-emerge from the shadows presented itself in the Michigan Brewers Guild Winter Beer Festival.  So we got our warm clothes together and stuffed hand warmers into our gloves and made our way to Grand Rapids.  There we got a taste of some great beers from around the state, one of which (also one of my favorites from the festival) came from The Livery.  Here is my cryptic review of their Belgian Dark Trippel. Continue reading

I’ve got two more videos here from the Bonteboktoberfest at Binder Park Zoo.  These come from what turned out to be one of our favorite breweries at this event, Olde Peninsula. We weren’t sure what to expect, but with a name like Stout Chokula, how could we stay away.  I gave that a try, while The Hopster had a sample of their Pumpkin Ale.  Check them out.

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