A Cryptic Beer Review
Sometimes I find a beer to review that has a certain, experience, to it. I don’t mean the bottle of rolling rock that has been sitting in the back of your dad’s fridge for years, watching the leftovers get moldy and the milk go bad. That beer may have plenty of stories, and it can be fun to listen to at parties, but it certainly doesn’t have experience. I’m also pretty sure that it tastes like crap. I am talking about a beer that tastes like it has the knowledge with living a life well-lived.
Brewery Vivant has been on my radar for a little bit, and I am always interested to see what they have going. You may be able to tell from my previous beer reviews. And it is not just because I love Belgian style beers.They do seem to take the Belgian styles and add enough creative twists to them to make a nice catalog. And as someone who enjoys a good canoe trip, I love to see more craft beers in cans. Now that is not to say that they all twist in a good direction. Anise? Not in my beer thank you (although for those of you who have been dying to pour a little jager into your beer, knock yourselves out. You sick bastards). But here we have a good example of a beer that certainly seems to know what it is doing. A collaboration between Vivant and New Belgium (I feel like I’m hearing a lot about them all the sudden), that seems to make a good pairing. Speaking of pairing, since they tout this beer as a good one for enjoying with food, I will look forward to finding some nice pairings for this one. So for a beer with some creative twist here is a creative beer review. Continue reading →