It’s not a candy, or a breakfast cereal (though that could be delicious), it’s beer. One of the many new flavors I tried at the Summer Beerfest was that of the Chocoberry by Frog Island Brewery.
It’s not a candy, or a breakfast cereal (though that could be delicious), it’s beer. One of the many new flavors I tried at the Summer Beerfest was that of the Chocoberry by Frog Island Brewery.
More from this years Michigan Brewer’s Guild Summer Beerfest: this time I tried the Dragonmead Ring of Fire. HOT BEER. well, the beer is cold, but it is also hot. you know? no?
like black ice
Here is the first video from last weekend’s 2009 Michigan Brewer’s Guild Summer Beerfest. We tried alot of great beers, including this little gem from Jolly Pumpkin.
Went out last night to watch the Redwings and try some new beer, and who do you think I ran into over at Crunchy’s? Our good friend Steve from The Livery! Long time, no see, right? So I figured i had to try his beer, the Carvana, which was brewed special for his birthday. and here is what it tastes like.
Hey everybody, looks like we’re back on track as far as updates go. This week I tried the Asylum Amber Ale from Sherwood Brewing Company. It was a little bit hoppy for me but i still found myself enjoying it. take a look.
I’ve got a new cryptic review for you here, and this beer comes from another great Michigan Brewery. It is the Special C, a dark Czech lager from The Livery out of Benton Harbor. Czech it out… heh heh.
Hey everybody, long time, no see. I’ve been working my ass off trying to get through the beerfest footage to get you a good look at the festivities, while at the same time cutting out some of the more… inappropriate behavior. But while we get that all finished, how about a new Cryptic Review. Here we have a look at the Kentucky Breakfast Stout from Founder’s Brewing Company. Enjoy.
While walking through the beer store the other day, this bottle jumped out at me and I had to try it. How can you really turn down a foil topped, corked bottle with a big pink elephant on it? Well? Anyone? ANSWER ME! That’s right Tammy, you can’t.
What happened? I just got up to sing some karaoke and Matt stole my camera to review his beer. So here is my Matt’s review of Bell’s Hopslam.
We recently took thisweekinbeer out to Karaoke night at Crunchy’s, and instead of giving you the pleasure of listening to Tricia or Me belting out some jams, i thought i would give you a quick Cryptic Review. I had the pleasure of trying the Dragon’s Milk by New Holland Brewery. Oh, and you do get a peek at Matt and Irene, our homebrew experts, serenading the bar.