Getting back into the swing of things and continuing with our videos from the 2012 Michigan Brewers Guild Winter Beer Festival. This week I’ve got a beer from Detroit Beer Company, the Dimondale Dunkelweizenbock. Quite a mouthful of a title, but it comes attatched to a very fine brew. Check out my cryptic review after the break.
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Category: Video
Signs of Life: Cryptic Review from 2012 Winter Beerfest
What is this madness? Life is stirring at We couldn’t stay down forever, and the perfect time to re-emerge from the shadows presented itself in the Michigan Brewers Guild Winter Beer Festival. So we got our warm clothes together and stuffed hand warmers into our gloves and made our way to Grand Rapids. There we got a taste of some great beers from around the state, one of which (also one of my favorites from the festival) came from The Livery. Here is my cryptic review of their Belgian Dark Trippel. Continue reading
Two reviews of Olde Peninsula Beers
I’ve got two more videos here from the Bonteboktoberfest at Binder Park Zoo. These come from what turned out to be one of our favorite breweries at this event, Olde Peninsula. We weren’t sure what to expect, but with a name like Stout Chokula, how could we stay away. I gave that a try, while The Hopster had a sample of their Pumpkin Ale. Check them out.
Cryptic Review: Two from B. Nektar and North Peak Brewery
So The Hopster and I found a great event at Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek. Their Bonteboktoberfest celebration is a fun experience that combines a trip to the zoo and drinking lots of great beers.they close down the park at let you roam around while sampling brews from a number of great Michigan breweries. Here we have the first two videos from this series, the Funky Monky from B. Nektar Meadery (not technically a beer I know) and the Burly from North Peak Brewing Company. Enjoy.
The Hopster: Short’s Brewing Dan’s Pink Skirt
More from The Michigan Brewers Guild Summer Beerfest! The Hopster has returned for a glass of Short’s Brewing Company’s Dan’s Pink Skirt. I can only guess at the story that goes along with that name. Check it out.
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Cryptic Review: Dark Horse Sapient Trip Ale
Hey everyone, glad you made it back. I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying the nice weather here. It is perfect for stepping out on the porch and enjoying a fine beer. This week I have a great selection from Dark Horse Brewery, their Sapient Trip Ale. Enjoy.
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The Hopster: Bell’s Two Hearted Ale

It feels so good to be back. Not that I don’t like camping, I’m just not sure my back likes it as much as I do. Air mattresses are great, or they would be if they didn’t deflate during the night. But that is the past. We are living in the now. and the now includes this review from The Hopster. You may not have noticed but over the break we experienced the solstice, and do celebrate it we here in Lansing went to the Festival of the Moon. While there we were able to sample a variety of great beers from Bell’s Brewery. So here we have the Hopster’s thoughts on their Two Hearted Ale.
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The Hopster: North Peak Vicious and Diabolical
We have a new member of the This Week in Beer family. Everybody join me in welcoming The Hopster. So put down your PBR and put on your ironic Tshirt, The Hopster is here. Continue reading
Cryptic Review: Dos Equis Lager
It is almost unprecidented isn’t it? A post that is both on time(ish) AND timely? Weird right? Well I figured that since spring is in full swing and the weather can is pushing hot, it is probably time to shelve the rest of the Winter Beerfest videos (I’ll put them in the members gallery). So to ring in the turn of the seasons and as a special Cinco de Mayo review, I will bring you a favorite of the Most Interesting Man in the World* himself. Here is my review of Dos Equis Lager.
*They say that even watching him sleep has been described as breathtaking. Continue reading
Cryptic Review & Tricia’s Thoughts: Jolly Pumpkin Chocolate Pineapple Chipotle Rauch
More videos from the Winter Beerfest. I really should get the rest of these out since we are now well into spring. This week we are featuring a beer from another unique Michigan brewery, Jolly Pumpkin. Here are the views of myself, and Tricia on their, schizophrenically named, Chocolate Pineapple Chipotle Rauch Biere. Continue reading