June 2007 Lansing, MI House of Representatives State Capital building. That was when a great thing for Michigan’s growing beer industry happened. House Resolution No. 301 was introduced by State Representative Rebekah Warren of district 53 out of Ann Arbor. Resolution 301 declares the month of July to be Michigan Craft Beer Month. One of the best things the state government has ever done; honoring the independent business owners and the glorious beer that they make. This has become an annual event and now coincides with the Michigan Brewer’s Guild (MBG) legislative day.
MBG legislative day, June 2010; Rep. Warren again gets the honor to introduce Resolution 301. Even though it wasn’t announced until the very last moment of the House session, it was worth the wait. Not only did the House of Representatives make me happy to be a Michigander, but the Senate made the wise choice to present a concurrent resolution. Senate Resolution No. 164 is the first time that the Senate jumped on board.
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