House Chamber, Michigan State Capitol
Image via Wikipedia

June 2007 Lansing, MI House of Representatives State Capital building. That was when a great thing for Michigan’s growing beer industry happened. House Resolution No. 301 was introduced by State Representative Rebekah Warren of district 53 out of Ann Arbor. Resolution 301 declares the month of July to be Michigan Craft Beer Month. One of the best things the state government has ever done; honoring the independent business owners and the glorious beer that they make. This has become an annual event and now coincides with the Michigan Brewer’s Guild (MBG) legislative day.

MBG legislative day, June 2010; Rep. Warren again gets the honor to introduce Resolution 301. Even though it wasn’t announced until the very last moment of the House session, it was worth the wait. Not only did the House of Representatives make me happy to be a Michigander, but the Senate made the wise choice to present a concurrent resolution. Senate Resolution No. 164 is the first time that the Senate jumped on board.
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Flag of some country where I may be vacationing

No update this week, I am afraid my vacation has interrupted my normal This Week in Beer plans, but rest assured, I will be coming back to you next week with some exciting new interviews and maybe even some fun vacation videos. No I am not going to tell you where I am, you will just follow me and make me drink and talk about beer with you.  Come to think of it, that is what I’ll be doing anyway. But no, you still can’t come, you’ll have to wait for the pictures.  Yes, that means I am going to make you look at my boring slideshow, now get the popcorn ready.

You may have noticed a slight change of the site over the past few weeks.  We have begun putting our videos behind the fold in our posts.  If you have been linking directly to each new post, then you wouldn’t have noticed, but if you are coming from the homepage then you haven’t been seeing the videos when all of the posts are listed.  In order to clean up the look of the site and speed up loading times, we have moved all of the videos behind the fold so you will have to click on the title of the post, or the “more” link in order to see them.  I think this will end up making everyone’s thisweekinbeer experience a little better.  Thanks.

You may have noticed, that we have been gone for a little bit.  Do not fret, we have not abandoned you, loyal Beer Buddies!  We are preparing for our triumphant return, and since there cannot be a triumphant return without a triumphant absence, we have decided to take one for the team and take a triumphant break in order to be more triumphantly prepared for that return I mentioned earlier. But I am triumphantly breaking from our triumphant break to bring to your attention a truly triumphant cause.  This Week in Beer has joined the Crunchy’s Restaurant team for the 2010 Polar Plunge to benefit the Special Olympics.  That is right, we have decided to triumphantly sacrifice our comfort and warmth to raise money for the Michigan Special Olympics.  Last year we were triumphant in raising the most money , and we plan to be triumphant again.  If you would like to support us in our dive into the frozen waters of Mid Michigan and help to raise money for this triumphant cause please visit either Kristoffer’s or Paul’s fund-raising site. You can pick whoever is your favorite, and although it is certainly not a competition between Paul and Kristoffer, if you pick Kristoffer‘s, you will be much more triumphant.

A Triumphant jump (we are in there)

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For those of you who were wondering about the winners of the Great American Beer Festival, we have a link to the winners list here (pdf).  Looks like I have alot of good looking beers to track down now (if anyone wants to send me a couple bottles of Dude Where’s my Vespa?, I won’t stop you).  Congrats to a couple of Michigan breweries that won awards,

Arcadia for their gold medal in the Wood- and Barrel-Aged Strong Beer Category with Cereal Killer Barleywine,
for their Silver in the Experimental Beer category with Bloody Beer,
Big Rock Chop House for their silver in the Belgian-Style Lambic or Sour Ale category with Red Rock
Redwood Brewing for thier silver in the Sweet Stout category with their Cream Stout
for thier bronze in the Bohemian Style Pilsener category with Bells Lager Beer,
Jolly Pumpkin
for their bronze in the Session Beer category with Bam Biere.
Bastone for thier bronze in the French- and Belgian Style Saison category with Saison Du Bastone
and Kuhnhenn Brewing Company for thier bronze in the Old Ale or Strong Ale category with 4th Dementia Old Ale

Great American Beer Festival

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