Welcome back everone. I hope you have you minds set to experiment, because this week I have a challenge for you. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make this blend, and make it taste good. I am afraid to say, I failed at this. I am pretty sure it is because I went with the most strict instruction on how to make an Irish Snakebite. For the uninitiated, I was told to make this using Crispin and Guiness. Now, listen… come closer… okay, let me be honest. I think Guiness is pretty much the bottom of the barrel when you are looking for a stout. But, this is what I was told, so this is how I made it. I did try to vary it up a bit by getting a couple of different kinds. I had a Guiness Extra Stout, Guiness Draught, and a Black Lager. they did each lend to a different Snakebite experience, but I really think that it is just opening the door to a lot of new experimentation, which is what Mad Science should really be all about. So let’s get our skull muscles going and think of some other stout/cider combinations that could really make this something to talk about. But before you go and create, be sure to check out the video after the break. Continue reading
Author Archives: Administrator
Cryptic Review: Flying Dog Wildeman
A This Week In Beer Review
Once upon a time there was a mysterious man. He searched far and wide for new tastes to satisfy him. He would fins these mysterious brews, and he would drink them, mysteriously. But he wanted to share his discoveries with the world, so he decided to shout from the top of the tallest mountain in the land. Mt. Internet. Being a mysterious man, and drinking mysterious beers, he felt the need to describe them in mysterious ways. So have a seat and click thru below for my mysteriously cryptic beer review of Flying Dog Brewery‘s Wildeman.
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Cryptic Review: Brau Brothers Hopsession
To tell you the truth I only picked this up because the label really jumped out at me. Come to think of it, that actually happens quite a bit. I’d say only about half the time i pick something out because I am looking for a specific style of beer, but the other half really is just based on what catches my eye in the beer cooler. I can’t imagine I am the only one who experiences this right? Anyway it really does lead to trying beers that I probably never would have otherwise. So hooray for bright colors and fancy pictures. Check out my cryptic review of Brau Brothers Brewing Company’s Hopsession after the break. Continue reading
Cryptic Review: Coney Island Freaktoberfest
Welcome back everyone. I have actually been looking forward to trying this beer for a while now. I enjoy quite a few of the beers that come from Shmaltz Brewing Company, and I’ve been curious about the beers they produce under the Coney Island label. So for this week i have for you, the eagerly awaited (at least for me) Cryp0tic Review of Coney Island Freaktoberfest. check it out below. Continue reading
Cryptic Review: Arbor Brewing Company Buzzsaw
Welcome to your bonus episode of the day, my cryptic review of Arbor Brewing Company‘s Buzzsaw American IPA. Have you ever had your judgement shake? It happens all the time. Sometime i think it is done on purpose, other times it is by accident. Sometimes you go to a movie, and the trailer had you expecting it to be a buddy crime comedy, and you end up watching Way of the Gun. Still a good movie, just nothing like what you expected (I hate it when trailers do that, did the people who made it even watch the movie?). or sometimes you get a beer with a buzz-saw-handed beast on the label, that is called, fittingly enough, Buzzsaw, and you get something much more…. all i can call it is, sophisticated. Check out my review after the break.
Cryptic Review: New Belgium Shift
Welcome to This-Last-Five-Months-In Beer! I didn’t mean to leave you hanging, but life has kind of gotten in the way over here. We are working up to a big announcement, but for right now, I am going to get back to what I know best, making mildly (read not very) amusing reviews about the new craft beers I’ve tried, and hope that even if you can’t quite decipher what I am saying, it piques your curiosity enough to go out and give them a try yourself. And I really do contend that my descriptions are sound, and do reflect the true taste of the particular beer.
So in honor of my, what seems to be happening far to often, return from extended break, I will present you with…..
wait for it….
Cryptic Review: Brewery Vivant Zaison
How did you like the Mad Science? Did anyone try it? You really should, it was a good surprise. this week I am back to my less understandable nature. This beer fits right in with that idea, at least in that i had to try a couple of times to describe just what i was tasting. I do think I got it in the end. Brewery Vivant is quickly becoming a pretty strong draw for me. their different takes on Belgian ales certainly run the gamut. This time i picked up a can of their Zaison. That stands out to me too, that they can their beers. Despite your own feelings on canning, it certainly does helps them to stand out. Check out my review after the break. Continue reading
Mad Science: Cherry Shandy

Shut up everybody, I’ve got an announcement to make. Today marks the first episode in a new series I’d like to try out. Mad science came about while having lunch at a local bar here, and they had a sign on the wall advertising a mix of two beers. I realize this is hardly new, but it is something that I have always been wary of. Not sure why, I had been doing it with pop for ages (did you know that 2/3 Dr Pepper and 1/3 Orange Soda tastes like vanilla?) However on this particular occasion one of my friends decided that he would give it a try, so I did too. I was very suprised by the outcome of this concotion, as it dawned upon me that I have been missing out on a whole universe of new and potentially undiscovered flavors. So there is the genesis of a new show as it formed in my head. So I will try out different blend I have heard of and maybe after try out a few of my own, just to see how crazy I can get. So for now I will start out with the brew that got my brain churning: Sam Adams Cherry Wheat and Leinenkugel Summer Shandy. Check out the first episode of Mad Science after the break. Continue reading
Cryptic Review: Tri City Brewing Hell’s Half Mile
Sometimes the best treats are the ones that you don’t expect. This week I have a cryptic review of a beer from Tri-City Brewing Company out of Bay City, MI. I have to admit this is not a brewery I am terribly familiar with, I’ve only had a few of their beers, but I am pleased with what I have found. Not that I had any reason to doubt the quality of this beer, but It is just nice to find a pleasant surprise sometimes. Check out my cryptic review after the break. Continue reading
Cryptic Review: Motor City Brewing Works Ghettoblaster
What does a great beer sound like? not the sound of the bottle, or the sound of the pour. But what does the flavor sound like? Can you hear the taste of a beer? If you’ve watched any of my reviews, and since you are here now, I am guess that you have, you know that I don’t have a problem with applying the wrong sense to any situation. Then the claim on the label of this brew from Motor City Brewing Works that it is “the beer you can hear” didnot cause me pause for a second. Strangely enough the taste I got from this beer was not even a sound though, but a wish. However if you are inclined to hear more of what Ghettoblaster and more specifically Detroit have for you, you can check out a collected sample of Detroit artists on a couple of CDs available on the Motor City website (here and here)
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